Monday, January 14, 2008

I got tagged!

So, my friend Aleesha blog tagged me.  This may be a little hard for me because my first post I told 5 things about me.  I don't think I have that many interesting things left, but I'll give it a go!  

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1.  I wore head gear every night for about a year when I was in high school.  My brother Adam had a hay day teasing me about it.

2.  I often cry when I see the elderly, especially if it is a cute old guy.  I'm not sure why, I guess I have a soft spot for old people.

3.  Matt and I dated 2 weeks before we got engaged, then were married 4 months later. (To my defense, I knew Matt in high school, and we were best friends for about 8 months before we started dating.)

4.  I broke my collar bone when I was 6 while I was wrestling with my brother Chris...I fell off the bed and he landed right on me.  

5.  I thought the Vice President of the United States was Gorbachev when I was a sophomore in high school.  :)

6. In my teenage years I owned up to 11 pet rats at one time.  I usually only had 3 at a time that were always named Jenner, Nichademis, and Flea.  They are so cute and really nice.  They used to give me kisses on my nose, and crawl through my sleeves up to my shoulder and just sit there.    

7.  When I was a freshman my friends and I had a job where we would place temperature stickers on bottles for people to pee into while they were at the doctors office.  

After looking at what I just wrote, I realize it makes me sound a little odd...that's okay!  Now I'm supposed to tag 7 other people.  This will be difficult as well, because Aleesha took some of mine, so I'm only going to do a few.  

So, I am tagging...



Unknown said...

That's funny....I hasd forgotten that one of the rat's name was Flea. We gave our pets cool names (Wickett, Teak, Buzz, Reese;)

Aleesha said...

You're pretty brave admitting some of that stuff. I mean it's fine and everything to have a pet rat (I guess), but to kiss it? Come on girl! Still love ya anyway.

The Close's Place said...

I'm the one that tagged Aleesha, so I'll do it but I'll make up a new one.

Fun blog, boy!!! Where do you live, sounds like a crappy place :)

Amanda said...

I love your blog! It's super cute! But I don't think it's weird at all that you used to let your rats run up your sleeves. Jason's sister had a rat when we were growing up and we let it do that all the time. Rats are awesome pets!

Nicole said...

I only knew two of those things so good job. So thats why you encouraged us to buy a pet rat. It still doesn't make me want one though. I'm a pet lover but rats I don't think so.