Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Starting up!!

So, I've decided to join the blogging world!  I have made it one of my New Year's resolution to keep it updated, so I am going to try really hard!  To start out I've decided to tell you 5 things that you may not know about me.

1.  I have about a million nervous habits.  To name a few... I wiggle my legs all of the time, fidget with my hair, face and nails, chew on the inside of my cheek, twist my earrings around, straighten out my shirt, and quite a few more.  I think it must run in my family, and although it sounds weird, I'm not crazy!

2.  I think I have a little bit of OCD.  I love to organize things and crave the feeling of satisfaction after I have dejunked something or cleaned it up.  

3.  I love dancing and wish I had more opportunities to do it.  Actually, I have talked Matt into taking dance lessons with me this year, so if any of you know of any good places or want to do it with me (hint, hint, Aleesha)  let me know.

4. I LOVE Disneyland and would love to live there!  Two of my other favorite places are Kauai and Tallinn, Estonia.  

5.  I really love ASL (American Sign Language). I studied it in college and really gained a great love for the deaf community.  Although I haven't kept up on it and have forgotten quite a bit, I hope to find ways to refresh my signing.

I would love to hear something interesting about you guys, so make a comment.  Although I feel like we all know each other really well, it seems like these fun facts are often missed!   


jaclyn said...

i rock! first one ever to leave a comment! welcome to the blogging world, just added you to my fave list! good times. something about me... that you don't know..um..i'll have to think on that.

Michelle said...

I can always count on you girl!

The Creators Corner said...

Wow, Does anyone know if Michelle is still single? She's hot!

Joepa Cool said...

For the record, I, too, 'ROCK'... having found my comments on the initial page...
(Not to mention my amazing record against said "Michelle" in New Year's Eve board games - whoops! Did I just mention that??)

Sorry to "The Creators Corner" - you're too late!
That hot little number was taken off the market years ago...

Tiffany & Co. said...

Very cute blog. So glad that you have one so that I can see what you're up to!

Anonymous said...

I just googled my name and this popped up. My name is Michelle Wren. I live in IL. I have never run across anyone in my life with my name. WIERD.

I, too, know ASL because my neice is deaf. Good luck with your Blog.

Michlle L. Wren