Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sick Day!!

The last 3 days I've been pretty darn sick!!!!  Thank goodness I don't get sick very much, but when I do, it hits hard!!  I went to insta-care last night and they tested me for strep and the flu, but I was negative for both... yippee!  If anyone has been tested for the flu, I would love to hear your story.  They stick this really long q-tip up your nose, and it literally feels like it's in your eyeball... still gives me the creeps!  So, I'm on some medicine now and I think it's starting to help.  The doctor told me this can last up to 10-14 days... seriously??  Anyway, I've been cooped up inside the last few days, but I kind of like it. It's kind of fun to not feel guilty about not getting ready or cleaning and all that fun stuff!  Anyway, thanks for letting me vent... it's amazing how these dumb sicknesses can completely knock you out.  Thank goodness Matt and my parents have been helping me, or I might have gone crazy!  


April said...

Hope you start feeling better. Thats awful that you are so sick, but your right I guess its a nice excuse to just chill and not do anything. Take it easy for like 2 weeks because you can.

Jenny Kapp said...

Let me know if you need some chicken noodle soup, I will deliver it knock and run style! Get well soon!

Amy said...

Michelle- I am sorry you have been sick. Are you feeling any better yet? Do you need your girls to come over and play?
P.S. You look hot with brown hair

Amy said...

I'm sorry you were sick. I hate being sick, but it is nice to have others take over the duties of the house.

Nicole said...

I've been sick too but not nearly as bad as you sound. Yesterday I decided to just let the kids destroy the house so I could just veg and be sick. I read an entire book in one day. Pretty sad huh. Ben got home and was like what in the crap is going on. I just replied Listen buddy you've been gone for three days while I was sick so you don't get to give me that look. And that was the end of it.

Tiffany & Co. said...

I'm sorry you're sick. Yuck! But yes, a good excuse to lay around the house and get out of doing stuff. Get better soon!

Aleesha said...

10-14 days?!! What's up with that? I have to say you are dang lucky to have Matt. I loved Nicole's comment. Me and Matt's conversation would not have ended like that. Let me know what I can do for you.