Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day of Love!!!!

I love Valentines Day!  It was so fun to get Lauren's valentines ready for her pre-school class and I painted the girls nails red with pink hearts on them, and they wore cute little valentines cute!  I'm excited for tonight, we are going ballroom dancing with some friends.  It was actually Matt's idea, so I'm quite impressed.  I will definitely take some pictures...this night should be interesting!
In honor of the day I'm posting an engagement picture, and a couple from our wedding.  Our wedding was seriously awesome...I could relive that day every day!  It was fun to look at the pictures, I think we look so young.  We were married August 2, 2002, so 5 1/2 years!  Crazy!!  


Jenny Kapp said...

Very cute!! You still look as young as ever. Matt is looking a little bit older though! Looked like a fun day! That is a fun thing everyone should include, pictures of wedding and engagement.

jaclyn said...

cute little michelle record!

The Close's Place said...

Love the wedding photos. Where were you married?

laceemo3 said...

Your Baby did look sooooo cute yesterday! I hope you guys had fun with your dancing last night youll have to let me know how it went!

Nicole said...

You look exactly the same. I hate your stinkin guts. You make me vomit. You're the scum between my toes.
Love,Alfa Alfa

Tiffany & Co. said...

I love your wedding pictures. Can't believe it's been that long for you guys. You both look so young and ready for S! :)